Author: Marcia Eppich-Harris

Southbank and American Lives Offer Discount

This weekend, Southbank is partnering with American Lives Theatre to give you a great discount! If you have attended Small Mouth Sounds, show your ticket (or receipt) at the box office for Rabbit, and you’ll get $5 off the price of admission! And if you’ve attended Rabbit, show your ticket (or receipt) at the box office for Small Mouth Sounds, and you’ll get $5 off the price of admission there, too!

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Poster for Rabbit by Nina Raine

The perils of success in Nina Raine’s Rabbit

Someone asked me the other day, “How do you define success?” I replied something glib like, “I don’t know if I believe in it.” What I meant was that no matter how much success a person has, there’s always some new job, new problem, new endeavor to explore. Success, in other words, is fleeting. Impermanent. And yet, the word “success,” to me, implies that something is finished, done, resolved. Imagine: You’re finished with a project. You’re proud of yourself! But how long does that pride last? Perhaps “that thing you did last year” was successful, but what’s next? Another “thing”? Another “success”? Are you successful if you don’t do more to sustain that success? Or perhaps surpass it?

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Why should you see new plays?

As theatre reopens, what sort of plays are you going to go see? Do you want to see something that you know will be pretty good — like a revival of an old Broadway musical? Or do you want to risk it and see something you’ve never heard of?

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