What's Coming in 2024-25? Season 4: "Can great men be good men?"
4 Great Shows for Season 4!
In our fourth season, Southbank looks at patriarchy through relationships, characters, historical figures, and time periods.
The books “Of Boys and Men: Why the Modern Male Is Struggling, Why It Matters, and What to Do About It” by Richard Reeves (2022) and “For the Love of Men: A New Vision for Mindful Masculinity” by Liz Plank (2019) inspired us to address toxic masculinity and how our culture’s patriarchal system harms all genders. It has long been acknowledged that non-males are oppressed by patriarchy, but the ways that men have been harmed by it are often ignored. By subverting the narrative of history’s so-called “great” men, we will show how patriarchy betrays men and encourages toxic behavior. Our theme fits into the broader zeitgeist recently represented in films like Oppenheimer, Barbie, and Maestro – all of which show the results of toxic behavior spurred by patriarchy.

By Marcia Eppich-Harris

By Paul Rudnick
November 7-17 at Shelton Auditorium

By Mark St. Germain
February 27-March 9 at Shelton Auditorium

By Lolita Chakrabarti
April 24-May 4 at Shelton Auditorium