Audition for our shows!


Auditions for season 4 will be held July 11, 13, and 14 at the Dance Kaleidoscope Studio for Seeking Nietzsche (a one-night-only performance), I Hate Hamlet (8 performances), Relativity (8-9 performances), and Red Velvet (8-9 performances). (Shit Cake has already been cast.) Actors from marginalized communities are encouraged to audition. Unless otherwise indicated, roles are open race. “Male” and “Female” in the descriptions below indicate the gender of the character; actors are encouraged to audition for roles they identify with. Ages ranges are general and could be stretched. It is possible that a weekday matinee may be scheduled for Relativity or Red Velvet, depending on grant funding. 

Compensation: $250 stipend for all actors. 

What to prepare:

  • A monologue
  • Be ready to read from sides
  • Bring a headshot (if available – cell phone pictures is fine too)
  • Bring a theatre resume (can be brief) 

Sign up for a time on SignUp Genius

Seeking Nietzsche: 1M

All other roles are cast. We are looking for a person to play Nietzsche in a one-night-only revival of the show: September 26 at the JCC

Seeking Nietzsche Script


Rehearsal dates: negotiable, depending on conflicts. Starting on Zoom. 

Performance: Thursday, September 26. Must be available 9/22-9/26 in the evening. 

Nietzsche: 24-54 years old in the play but can be played by a middle-aged person. A philosopher, writer, and polemicist. 

I Hate Hamlet Roles: 3M/3W

I Hate Hamlet script sample

Sides: All sides for I Hate Hamlet

Directed by Eric Bryant

Rehearsal dates: Starting September 22

Show dates: Thursday-Sunday, November 7-17 at Shelton Auditorium

Andrew Rally: Male, age 25-35. Andrew is a successful television actor who is cast to play Hamlet, and he is facing a crisis of confidence as he struggles to embody the iconic role. (Physical demand: fencing)

John Barrymore: Role pre-cast. 

Deirdre McDavey: Female, age 25-30. Andrew’s girlfriend who is practical, grounded, and often provides a voice of reason amidst the chaos.

Felicia Dantine: Female, age 40-50. Felicia is Andrew’s enthusiastic and vibrant real estate agent who is obsessed with the occult, she becomes infatuated with the idea of John Barrymore’s ghost haunting the apartment.

Lillian Troy: Female, age 50-60. Andrew’s New York agent, Lillian is a glamorous and theatrical figure who believes that Andrew is the perfect actor to play Hamlet.

Gary Peter Lefkowitz: Male, age 25-35. Andrew’s Hollywood agent, Gary is ambitious, money driven, and constantly pushing Andrew to take on lucrative film roles.

Relativity Roles: 1M/2W

Relativity script sample

Einstein side 

Lieserl side

Directed by Ronn Johnston

Rehearsals: Starting January 12 

Performances: Thursday-Sunday, February 28-March 9 at Shelton Auditorium

Albert Einstein: Male, age 60-70. A renowned scientist with a sharp intellect and a rebuttal for every assertion, who acts as if he is devoid of any emotion.

Margaret Harding: Female, age 35-47. A formidable and self-assured woman, she commands attention as she demands clarity and justification with unwavering confidence.

Miss Dukas: Female, age 45-53. A loyal housemaid who upholds the rules while fiercely guarding those under her care with unwavering devotion.

Red Velvet Roles: 7M/4W

Red Velvet script sample

Side A – Halina, Ira, and Terrence

Side B – Halina, Ira

Side C – The Company

Side D – Ira and Pierre (after Bernard leaves to p. 49)

Directed by Donna McFadden

Rehearsals: Starting March 2 

Performances: Thursday-Sunday, April 24-May 4 at Shelton Auditorium

Casimir: Male, age 20-29. German speaking Polish stagehand who is inexperienced and likes Halina.

Halina: Female, age 20-29. Polish journalist who is bright, ambitious, and frustrated with her life.

Terence: Male, age 45-55. Ira Aldridge’s valet and dresser; he is English, hardworking, and loyal.

Ira Aldridge: Black male, age 30-60. He is American, grand, impatient, ferocious, and unwell. (Also plays “Young Ira.”)

Connie: Jamaican Female, any age. She is an experienced servant who is older than her years and the voice of truth.

Betty Lovell: Female, age 20-29. English actress, self-concerned, not clever but pleasant.

Henry Forester: Male, age 20-29. English actor who is political, self-interested, ambitious, and earnest.

Bernard Warde: Male, age 45-50. English actor who is old school, a bit lazy, opinionated, and insecure.

Charles Kean: Male, age 20-29, English actor (son of Edmund Kean), grand but without the talent to support it and he suffers from being Edmund’s son.

Ellen Tree: White, age 20-29 (leading actress). She is talented, motivated, classical but progressive.

Pierre Laporte: Male, age 30-39. He is a French manager of the theatre who is gay, revolutionary, and entrepreneurial.