Michelle Wafford as Viola, Kim Egan as Sir Andrew

What’s it about?

When Viola is shipwrecked in Illyria, she has to face the world on her own. At the time Shakespeare was writing his plays, women weren’t really allowed that sort of independence. So Viola disguises herself as a man, so she can get a job and take care of herself. She falls in love with her boss, the duke Orsino, and all sorts of shenanigans happen!

What if I’m intimidated by Shakespeare?

We know that a lot of people get nervous about reading Shakespeare, but that’s because we often get the process backwards. Plays should be seen! They’re much easier to understand in the context of the stage. Of course, we have to read them in order to put them on stage, but for students, audiences of all ages, and theatre practitioners, the stage is where Shakespeare really comes to life and makes sense. Studying the language after you’ve seen the play is even better because you can put faces with names and add context to the play overall. It’s so much more fun that way, too!

And it’s a musical?

Yes! Shakespeare’s plays have lots of lyrics in them that we no longer have the music for. Twelfth Night is one of the most music-heavy plays that Shakespeare ever wrote! So it’s totally appropriate for this play to be adapted into a musical format. Shaina Taub’s songs immediately hook you in and make you want to dance. If you like jazz and funk, you’ll be right at home in Taub’s soundtrack!

So join us for an evening of love and laughter as we bring you Shakespeare’s classic, updated with gorgeous music by Shaina Taub! Tickets are at IndyFringe and range from $15-$30. April 28-May 8!

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